Tax Due Dates for AZ Businesses

Tax Deadlines2018 for Business TaxesThe 2018 tax year will bring with it several changes to the tax code. With the alterations, it is important to plan ahead for your business filings and individual taxes. This way, you can prepare yourself for different filing dates while ensuring you have the necessary monetary amounts covered (if you need to pay in). As a business owner in Arizona, here are important tax dates for 2018 each of you need to know.

January 16, 2018

Coming up quickly is your 2017 fourth quarter estimated tax payments. Whether you own a business or are self-employed, it is necessary to pay this quarterly amount. Make sure to have it postmarked no later than the 15th of January.

March 15th, 2018

Partnership and S Corp Business Tax Returns are due.  You may file an extension which allows an additional 6 months to file.

April 17, 2018

Individual Taxes Due. So for business owners who are filing personal tax returns, this is the day their return is do. All tax returns must be postmarked by midnight on April 18, unless an extension has been submitted.

Business-Tax Deadlines 2018If you are applying for an extension for your individual return, it is also due on this day. Applying for an extension will extend the filing of your return until October 15 of 2018. However any taxes owed must be paid with the extensions.

C Corporation Business tax returns and taxes are due.  An extension may be submitted to extend the filing of your business return until October 15 of 2018.

Additionally, your second quarter 2018 business estimates are due on this day.

June 15, 2018

Your second quarter business estimates are due on June 15, so make sure you have your paperwork and payments postmarked by June 15.

September 17, 2018

Your third quarter business estimates are due on September 17. Have everything postmarked by the end of the 17th.

Your Partnership and S Corp Business tax returns are due.

October 15, 2018

If you filed for an extension back in April for your personal tax returns, today is the day your extension is due. You need to make sure you have everything postmarked by the 15th.

 January 15,  2019

This is the day your final fourth quarter business estimate payments are due.

Tax Deadlines for 2018 Dont be LateStaying on top of your business tax returns is so important. As a business owner filing is a bit different, as you likely need to file quarterly. Plus, with the recent changes to the tax codes going into 2018, it is a good idea to give yourself a bit more time to file. This way, you can understand what is going on with your personal and business tax returns. Just make sure to stay on op on these dates as it will help you stay on top of both your IRS and your Arizona Department of Revenue tax returns.


Just remember, if you need help with your tax returns, have questions or would like to know more about the changes in the tax code, feel free to contact our office to help you with your business taxes or individual taxes, or send us an email at your earliest convenience.